Below are just some of the ways that we deliver results. If you are after a service that isn't on the list please get in touch, and if we can't help you, we will point you in the direction of someone who can.

Technical decision support
Tying the combination of practical experience and current industry knowledge together to help make better decisions.
Farm systems
Feeding regimes
Farm plans
Technology investment

Feed budgeting and animal nutrition
The world of animal nutrition can be complex at times, but lets simplify it to making sure we provide what the animal needs to achieve its performance and production targets.
Annual feed budgets
Winter feed budgets
Fodder beet feeding plans
Transition cow management

Farm manuals and SOP development
Support to develop clear, documented procedures and policies. Get the farm systems and routines out of your head and into a tool that will help set expectations for farm teams, provide a risk mitigation tool and support compliance requirements.
Farm policy manuals
Standard operating procedure development
Support in creating the information needed to achieve Synlait Lead with Pride certification

Young stock rearing specialist
Successful calf rearing systems are one of the simplest and most significant influences of lifetime performance for both dairy and beef animals.
System audits and suggestions
Management to support the achievement of pre-calving weights for dairy heifers and killing weights for beef rearing systems
Growth rate and target liveweight analysis
Grazier support and independent party review

Herd body condition scoring
DairyNZ accredited body condition score assessor.
Regular or one-off herd condition scores
Reporting and analysis
Management recommendations to achieve industry targets

Farm systems reviews and Farmax modelling
Using tools and whole farm assessment to evaluate the best fit for your system, farm and goals we can investigate different options such as changing stock number or stock classes, and how they might impact on the farm productivity, profitability and sustainability
Farmax Dairy
Farmax Red Meat

Animal monitoring
Have you purchased collars, eartags, milk meters or another monitoring system on farm, but are not sure you're getting the value from it?
Better understanding of the data and how it can be used
Simple on farm systems development
Report and data output customization to push the system furter

Practical, hands on help
With years of on farm experience, I'm not afraid to jump in and get my hands dirty to help solve your immediate challenges.
Farm crisis management
Farm oversight support
Solving herd record queries
System oversight - whats going well on a day to day basis and what could we change?